Friday, March 20, 2015

This is Fauquier County

No Bomb threat at Cedar Lee MS? Must mean schools are closed for snow--or rain.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

No one wants to be Pope anymore?

I know you said that he is not "your" Pope. Thus you are trying to avoid actually passing judgement on Pope Francis , but did you catch this article?

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis on Friday marked the second anniversary of his surprise election by predicting that he won't be pope for long — and by calling a special Jubilee Year to focus the church on his top priority while he's still around: mercy.
"I have the sensation that my pontificate will be brief: Four or five years," Francis said in an interview with the Mexican broadcaster Televisa. "I don't know. Or two or three. Well, two have already passed!"
Francis has previously said he thought he'd be pope for two to three years and that the precedent set by Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI's resignation in 2013 shouldn't be considered exceptional.
Francis also said he didn't dislike being pope but that what he really missed was his freedom.
"The only thing I'd like to do is to be able to go out one day without anyone recognizing me and go get a pizza," he said, laughing.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Tell me I'm pretty

Going up on Craig's List. How much do you predict I can get for it?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Maybe evil robots are allergic to flowers and Snoopy

I tried to comment on the pretty,
But I guess you didn't reinstate the comments
After you saw it didn't work-
Well, maybe this blog is less interesting
Than Chelsea's wedding or yoga routines-
We can hope.

Dressers and Trolls

 Remember this poor unfortunate baby?
Almost done. I had wanted to get the rest of the hardware on, and stage it all pretty with a lamp and such before the unveiling, but desperate times and all....

Just this

'Cause of evil robots, and all