Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dresser # 5

Dresser- bought from Craig's List ad on 7/ 17/2013 for    $25.
It smelled very strong of spilled after-shave or cologne,
 as well as having some other mystery spill down the front, and  a small amount of red paint (yes I am sure it was paint ;)  dripped down the side.
Sanded/ painted/ waxed;
After: Sold (on Craig's List)   7/24/2013- $149.00


  1. I was going to ask you if you were starting any more projects- I know that last week put a crimp in your flow, but this looks like it was a rather ambitious project, good for you! Was the finished drawers just plain light blue, or is there a weathered texture to them, I can't tell in the picture.

  2. I added a close up picture of the drawers to the bottom of this post, maybe you can tell the distressing (plus dark wax and a little white weathering)a bit better.

  3. Oh very nice- I can see it much better on the last picture, thank you.

  4. When comparing the top pictures, the mirror looks wider but lower than in the first pic- is that just a trick of the new paint treatment?

  5. I think it is more the camera angle. I believe they took it from higher up. If you compare, you can see more of the top in their picture.

  6. When I was showing Doug (and William) the split screen of the 2 ads, I said "Which one looks better?" and William said " the first one- they have more stuff." :P
