Saturday, October 26, 2013

My Saturday- Halloween stuff

Terezi from the Homestuck web comic (they are called trolls- yes, it looks dark and disturbing to me too)
Genevieve as Terezi , glasses were made by cutting the red cover from a Hillshire Farms cold cuts container, horns are clay painted and hot glued to a headband.- Black T-shirt painted with fabric paint)

Pumpkin cake pops- yes, they are rather upside down for cake pops,  but they kept falling off the sticks the other way. Anyway they tasted good.


  1. I like your cake pops very much, and you couldn't put them on the plate stick down instead of up, so the pumpkin patch with the sticks up is just fine! As for Terezi, I'm glad Halloween only comes once a year, did Genna color her hair for this, or is it a wig?

  2. It is a wig that she has had for several years. As I think you know she is very much "into" Japanese manga/ anime, so many of the characters have the same dark / straight"ish" hair. It has gotten much use (and will continue to- I am sure).
