Friday, December 26, 2014

Many Pictures

John's Birthday

He could not figure out what his cake was supposed to be-  No, not a Christmas tree.


And What do we have here?

"I love it!"-
The face of Christmas

No, not clean shaven, I am sorry; I did try 

Wedding pictures

I know that you have already seen the wedding pictures circulating on Facebook but if you want to see all 369 pictures (and download any additional ones) the site is
you go to the customer galleries and then click on the picture of Eric and Amy (on my computer it is the 4th line down)
the password to see all the pictures is Zitzmann (obviously) and if you download the watermark should be removed.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Saturday, December 20, 2014

And my rebuttal

Because I know
At least you get it-
Merry CHRISTmas

Time to rant

Saw this on Rita's Facebook
This morning, and it really
Rubbed me the wrong way-
It's Christmas season,
And all we can do
Is tell God how
Unneeded and unimportant
He is?
Not Happy :(

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Any better?

I saw this and thought
How far we have come-
Now we can't pray in schools
Or in public without someone
Having a tantrum-
Oh well, happy alka seltzer
And football day- as we get ready
For give me my present day-
I really do need to go to bed

Post something she says...

How's this?
I'm sorry Doug is working till 9
Every night-
I'm even more sorry he is toiling for
The evil empire
(But bills must get paid- oh well)

This is now on the top of your blog...

I decided that picture of Anne and Frank had been on the top of your blog long enough-
Sorry, sometimes I make executive decisions like that.
So here is some shameless self -promotion instead ;)
A horse painting I did for no good reason; other than I saw one similar to it and decided I wanted to try it-

My reclaimed wood art project that Amy says they do not have room for at the apartment
 (you saw this one right?)
And another reclaimed wood project because Debbie Gross said she wanted one- but not a horse
she requested birds or flowers
                (I kind of wish the original stain on the tabletop had been darker.)
Now you post something  ;)
Doug is working until 9:00 pm every night due to open enrollment. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014

Good Morning

Several things to talk yo you about. Hopefully we will have the chance Saturday Morning
As for this morning we are currently at 30 degrees- colder than Yonkers even. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Saw this on Facebook

Rita posted this today
On Facebook-
It is the last comment
That caught my eye-
Do you have any idea?

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saturday, October 11, 2014

A little inspiration for Will

Saw this on Facebook
And remembered what you said
This morning- Is this
What he is going for?
Oh boy.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


The table and chairs that Doug bought for $15 because one edge of the table was bashed (Doug chipped off the broken parts then I puttied it back together) and the bottom of both chairs had been chewed by a dog/ puppy / beaver?/ woodchuck?

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Is less more?

Is less more?
Or the more the better?
I am in the middle of my $15 table and chair set.
I was planning to do a painted doily in the center
But after finishing the circle (and 5 inside dots---yes, I should have noticed before the 5 dots) I wondered if the full doily is a little over fussy and a bit too much white?