Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Southern perspective

The longer I live in the South,
The more I find that I agree
With most of their more
Common sense (conservative)
Point of view

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Alaina's Birthday and Dresser

And I wanted to post the update for the beast. There is an interesting story attached to this picture. After all that puttying it turns out that some of the drawers ended up a little bit too wide for their openings.
Faith works the best- exactly as you would expect it to, Charity is not too difficult, Love takes a little more work but with a little effort it does what it is supposed to, but  Hope is by far the hardest. It turns out that you have no choice but to leave a little opening, and not force it!

Take what you need...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow- 2/13/2014

Officially 13" this morning

For reference- the pile of snow from shoveling the driveway comes to Mark's waist (he is 5' 8")

Alaina's creation- homage to Calvin and Hobbs - but yeah,  I know why the neighbors hate us.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Meet the Beast

So Here is our forecast for the next few days:
(Poor Mark may very well not be seeing his girlfriend for Valentines Day- They already cancelled the school dance for Friday :(

I will most likely NOT be travelling around much the next few days- which means I will be working on "The Beast"- recently brought in from the garage  

(This was the piece that came with the smaller one that I painted with "Chateau Zitzmann" as a buy one get one free type deal- I would say that is the only way anyone would take it, but I have since discovered that the hardware is actually worth as much as we paid for both pieces :) Sorry but I only took the before picture after I had started puttying,

Close up of why I had to do SO MUCH puttying

If you look at the bottom of this drawer you can see the trim edge that needed to be recreated out of wood putty

yes, all that white was missing chunks of wood :)  Bottom shows recreated trim
I can't wait to have an after to show you...ready for priming tomorrow- maybe??