Thursday, April 16, 2015

Happy Birthday!

Wishing you a WONDERFUL Jubilee year.


  1. Thank you so much- I was going to read this last night right after I took my turn at scrabble, when Joseph hollered my name in the hallway with the phone in his hand- it was Christopher wishing me a very warm happy birthday from the emergency room- his friends took him there after a frisbee game in the commons area ended with him and a friend colliding, and his friend stepping all over his foot with some kind of cleats on- he said it swelled up pretty big by the time they got to the emergency room, so when they put him in a room, they gave him something for the pain- all I know is he was "feeling no pain" when he called, especially when he told me they said he didn't need a hard cast, but they gave him a soft cast, a pair of crutches, a prescription for more pain killer, and told him they would send me the bill. Ah yes, happy birthday :/

  2. Oh, I forgot to say, the x-rays showed a hairline fracture on the top of the foot, so it isn't just a sprain, he actually broke it.
