Wednesday, June 8, 2016

My Problem Child- (at least one of them)

I am more than a little interested to hear how this reads on your screen. No, it is not ugghh blue, it is in no way any blue;  it is a true boxwood green. Is that how it looks to you?
This is the piece that I totally sanded the top (due to much cracks/ flaking of the finish) but I only cleaned and primed the rest. Well, the primer I used was a FLOP. As soon as the paint went over it it pulled right off- even after 2 days of curing. So Doug helped me sand it all off- that was uggh. Mid-sanding I thought, "yup, distressed, that is where this piece is going". I don't know how you feel about the look? How much do you think I could sell it for?



1 comment:

  1. Oh my, on my screen it looks totally greyish blue, even though the last pic with the inspiration for it looks more teal.I got Tuesday off this week, alittle better, but I still like my Thursadays off. And my best guess for a price would be around 150, is that about average?
