Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Mom Stuff

                                                               In case you were curious:
                                                                 This is Apartment 105

And this is Betty

This is the view from apartment 105
Bedroom #1

Bedroom #2- obviously I would think keep the curtains closed on this one.

kitchen of apt. 105- there are just pipes under sink

this is what apt. 128  should  look like- remember I can not get in to see it.
with this view (only first floor- this is second floor)

furnished model like 128

 my project

1 comment:

  1. I think how is probably more to the point than home right now- but the letters are cool ;) if the view from the 2nd floor is about right for the first floor too, yeah, I see the difference- I think 105 is way superior in that aspect
