Saturday, December 28, 2013

A question

I bought a bag with random little
Football helmets at a thrift store
A while back-
I didn't know what to do with them
Especially since not all 32 teams were there
(Eight are missing).
Anyway, Joseph was rummaging through the bag
The day before yesterday, to see what teams it had,
And I noticed that there were equal amounts of
NFC and AFC teams represented (12 a piece).
So I put on my thinking hat today, and took out
Our old checkers board, and was quite pleased
With how they look as checkers-NFC vs. AFC.
I know that you couldn't stack them for kings,
So I cut out little foam football shapes to place
In the grills to signify kings.
Now the question- would Doug and Mark play
Checkers with such a set?

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Pictures from the other side....

Genevieve's sewing project that I was helping her with for her Secret Santa.
Jack Henry and Lucy came over to decorate chocolate houses (faux gingerbread houses)
You must put at least as many candies on the house as you eat (it is a rule)


Christmas punch ( soda and fruit punch with sherbet on top)
Reindeer cookies

Rice Krispie treats for Mark's class

The house for our next door neighbor--The Wades obviously

Dog made out of modeling chocolate and black icing- Doug said it looked like a turd.

                                                Embarrassing family pictures

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

More Pictures

From Christmas morning

Merry Christmas to all!

The stockings aren't exactly hung
But St. Nick was definitely here!
Having a merry Little Christmas
And hoping you wake to
Peace on earth,
Goodwill to men
Love and merriment to all
And Joy that our Savior is born!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

I think I could post for a month of Sundays on everything we have been doing in preparation for Christmas.  I will share as much (or as little) as time and space allows, but for now I say:
 A Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night...
since it is 1:26 AM as I write this.

Monday, December 9, 2013


So, you had asked me about my Christmas decorating. I am not finished (and there is still the CLEANING and removing of all the boxes that came down out of the attic); but here is where I am at:


And here is the lovely ice we got Sunday 12/8/13.
I did go to church - and food shopping- but the drive home was NOT fun!!
But we all made it home safely  of course all activities (and school ) is cancelled until further notice :/


Monday, December 2, 2013


 Two projects that I have been working on:
the cabinet by the door:
 And William's Pueblo Indian Project- he did more than you would think, but YES I had to walk him through it step by step by step: