Monday, December 9, 2013


So, you had asked me about my Christmas decorating. I am not finished (and there is still the CLEANING and removing of all the boxes that came down out of the attic); but here is where I am at:


And here is the lovely ice we got Sunday 12/8/13.
I did go to church - and food shopping- but the drive home was NOT fun!!
But we all made it home safely  of course all activities (and school ) is cancelled until further notice :/


1 comment:

  1. It's very pretty outside, but be careful- I would not like to go out in that! I am very impressed with your decorating: I especially like the island with the lights for your Christmas town- so dreamy! I also like how you put up all the stockings- that is one thing I can never find room for. Also, I like the garland on the railing, very dramatic
