Monday, March 17, 2014

How's it looking where you are?

Same SH ** different day- Shed- same SHED
Hero says "you gotta be kidding me!"-

10" inches (give or take)

It's MARCH- it's the MIDDLE of MARCH


  1. Irony- "Mark's school had actually scheduled a rally for today to celebrate the FIRST full week of school for the year (2014).

  2. It looks so pretty, even though it is pretty ridiculous. So how many days is it looking like they will miss this week? 2 or 3 ? Well, we definitely won't forget this winter for years to come- next year I suggest we all get dynamite like in caddy shack and blow the groundhog out of his hole to speed things up a bit- but I still know spring is coming! And have a wonderful birthday today! Will talk to you tonight
