Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I'll do you one better

We are in Virginia. That is still considered "The South",  correct??

Sorry I did not post actual pictures yesterday, but none of the kids went out to build: snowmen, or snow caves, or have a snowball fight- so to me it was sort of like; " one snow looks pretty much like the next this year"....
Then after I spoke to you (Around 8:00 pm) the cable, phone, internet  ALL went down,  and did not return until this morning. Had it been the Zombie Apocalypse I would never had known, because I do not have an Ipad, Ipod , Tablet, Smart phone , - nada.  On the other hand we kept power,  and as far as I can tell we didn't miss much so God Bless! 


  1. So how many days of school did the kids actually get in this week? I know spring is coming, but I guess for them, summer is history.

  2. They returned to school on Thursday; so they actually got 2 whole days of school.
    Though they were threatening that we might get ice for Friday morning, it never materialized, and they actually did not close the schools based on the rumor.
