Saturday, January 31, 2015

Scrabble and stuff

Q (10 points) went to  Doug. my i was the one under wilts.

This is your comment- what language is that at the end (and what does it say)?

Fabric white wash- still probably should have just gone red  and been done with it.

I am undecided, do you like the weathered board treatment on the top?

Still hating the drawer.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Look at my letters- so you see I can commiserate 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Desk project

I will overcome-
This desk will not beat me 
(I think)
Originally bright white with baby girl pink interior- this is not technically the "before" because I had already primed and sanded 

The pink interior (you spy the green edges because I stink at "before " shots)

I THOUGHT this was a good inspiration

I was SOOO wrong- not happy

Even waxed within an inch of it's (or my) life, not pretty

Dialed back, but now too pale, it IS actually green but even with that emerald green undercoat it still reflects A LOT of yellow.
I know I know- just paint it RED

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Alaina LLama

      Yes, her face is distorted . I guess that is a thing with "snap chat" and instagram now.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

No Paint, No Gain



Sold- got my $65
so glad I turned down the $40.

Monday, January 19, 2015

I actually remembered the before picture this time....

I picked up this little table for $10. No I did not low-ball some poor desperate person;
 it was actually listed on Craigs List for $10.  And yes, for one brief moment Doug said "shouldn't we offer them $5- but that is just plain mean- "Bad Doug!"
I guess being as deep as it is, it will only work as a coffee table, (though I actually have another idea- I will let you know later-- if it works)  As dark as it is , it comes across as very heavy and dated. But I am  "Over the Moon" with all the raised details and rope trim- I am definitely going to accent all those details with a paler cream/ white.. This has the potential to be stunning! 
The problem is the balancing act between :
 letting the piece speak to me - finding the color truest to the shape/ style/ and period of the piece  trying to figure out the most marketable finish,  and half way wanting to do it a finish that will work in my decor (especially if the idea I have works)( But NO, I do not actually need another coffee table
 I am aware)

Current Gas Price

With all the brouhaha about fracking and whether the lower gas prices in the long run will help or harm the economy, I must say that I am only too glad to see gas prices below $2,

Most of our local gas stations had gas at $1.96 Sunday
but  a couple smaller stations beat even that

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Needs something

Someone was selling this mid-century small dresser and a skinny tall lingerie / jewelry chest for $40 for the 2. I was willing to do it, but Doug said that being a guy the other one did not seem very useful / sellable to him, He got this one for $18.  I already posted it on Craigs list 3 days ago-and got a couple of responses but so far no one has showed up to get it.- One person offered me $40 for it , do you think I should have taken it?
I keep wondering if it would have better balance if I add something like "Paris" or "Bon Jour"  in script. Obviously the handles make the placement a little more difficult, if the drawers just had a center knob I would have more room to play with, but I really don't feel like puttying the holes and drilling  new center holes for an $18 dresser.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Greetings from North Carolina

I called and they said
That only the person who ordered them
Can lodge a complaint-
But she would note it
If I would like another box-
I told her to keep her box
Modern life- the customer
Is never right.
So I guess I'm calling Mom.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Mom and Dad's Anniversary

I put these on Facebook already , but I thought I would put them here too:

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hope your year and day are good!

Hope you had a good night
And that the New Year is
Cheerful and bright!
We stayed in- the boys went out
So not much to talk about!