Monday, January 19, 2015

I actually remembered the before picture this time....

I picked up this little table for $10. No I did not low-ball some poor desperate person;
 it was actually listed on Craigs List for $10.  And yes, for one brief moment Doug said "shouldn't we offer them $5- but that is just plain mean- "Bad Doug!"
I guess being as deep as it is, it will only work as a coffee table, (though I actually have another idea- I will let you know later-- if it works)  As dark as it is , it comes across as very heavy and dated. But I am  "Over the Moon" with all the raised details and rope trim- I am definitely going to accent all those details with a paler cream/ white.. This has the potential to be stunning! 
The problem is the balancing act between :
 letting the piece speak to me - finding the color truest to the shape/ style/ and period of the piece  trying to figure out the most marketable finish,  and half way wanting to do it a finish that will work in my decor (especially if the idea I have works)( But NO, I do not actually need another coffee table
 I am aware)

1 comment:

  1. I saw the painted result on Facebook today- it looks very classic, and I think you attenuated the details well without fussing it up- I like it, definitely more than a $10 piece now! So are you going to give in to temptation and keep it?
