Friday, July 31, 2015

For Douglas (during church? Lol)

This is from July 19,
I haven't seen the one
From this past Sunday
Go up on Vimeo yet
So this is the most recent available


  1. I like the wooo at 4:02. I saw you and Joe's mom but I couldn't catch sight of Joe in the video.
    The video gave up at the 26 minute mark, so I had to keep restarting it, But I LOVE that he says that one of Satan's tools is the internet.

  2. Yes, Joseph is there- I do not know if it is on purpose or not, but he always sits outside of the view of the video recorder- he would tell you it is just because he likes the aisle seat.

  3. Interestingly enough I was watching Joyce Meyers this morning and a large part of her message was you can't just read a passage in the Bible once and think "I've got it" - I already read that, - I know what that says (sound familiar?)
