Friday, April 22, 2016


Need to vent. No one to vent to....
William has 4 T-shirt that he constantly rotates through (wearing them twice each per week). All other t-shirts he has deemed unacceptable for anything but sleeping. Today was pajama day- personally I hate pajama day and do NOT see any benefit from it. But I mentioned to him that if he did NOT want to wear pajamas to school (which I can totally understand) he needed to at least give his 4 "good" t-shirts a rest and wear one of his "only appropriate for sleeping" shirts. I told him this last night before bed, I told him this morning at breakfast--at 7:30 , he had a complete melt down when I told him that if he kept his "good" green t shirt on for school today I would NOT be cooperating with football at 8:00 am Saturday morning. TOTAL utter melt down (his , not mine)
Here are the totally unacceptable (according to William) options:

1 comment:

  1. Um- so alien to me; if my kids had a shirt on their backs and pants on their legs, and not the other way around, we were good. If he has4 shirts he rotates so you dont do laundry just for his shirts, I would let him wear them till they fell off his back- sorry.
