Saturday, April 2, 2016

wedding colors?

So this is the picture of Amy's friend's wedding-
Amy was asking if this was close to what Alaina had in mind

Alaina was thinking maybe slightly darker red

but with these flowers?
and she pinned this as the cake


  1. Ok, here is my take on all of it- if you take out the purple roses in the bouquet picture and replace them with the more mauvy hue of the flowers on top of the cake, I think you could get away with the shade of red in the first picture and it would all go together because they all tie into the blush side of the palette- but you coyldnt go the dark red or the really purple in the roses- keep it all closer to hinting pink, or at least the brighter side of red, and it might work.

  2. Correction- purple tulips in the bouquet picture- Im sorry, my eyes are leaving me because on first look I thought they were tight rose buds- but I still think the main problem is they are too much on theblue side of purple- if you just trade those out for something leaning alittle more thr red side of purple like the roses on the cake, I think it might be workable.

  3. I added the 2 pictures of the venue- including the picture of the quilt that I was speaking about. I still can not get my head around the purple color (esp. the tulip color) with the red and gold.
