Monday, June 10, 2013

Mark's Birthday

Just posting a few quick pictures of Mark's birthday.  (These are the pictures from BEFORE William came down with the stomach flu.- yes, he started being sick while Mark's party was going on)



  1. I'm so sorry William is sick- but everybody looks like they enjoyed the day for the most part: who is the boy in the green shirt next to Mark? He looks younger than Mark's other friends. The horse head is... Impressive, yeah, we'll go with that.

  2. Umm, yeah, the kid in the green shirt is Will, and he IS younger than Mark's other friends.

  3. Ok, I recognized him on the bottom picture in the car, but there he is wearing a black shirt, so I thought the boy in the green shirt was someone different then Will in the black shirt- when did he get his hair cut? The pictures of will's birthday had him with much longer hair- the length of his hair in the car picture is more what I am used to, and the pictures in the green shirt it looks even shorter, almost a long buzz cut- so much for my old eyes.

  4. Well, you are half right. Will did get a haircut between his birthday and Mark's birthday; But not between the pictures of him in the green shirt vs. the pictures of him in the black shirt.
    (The pictures of him in the green shirt were Thursday (Mark's actual birthday)- the black shirt were when Mark's friends came over on Friday. You may notice that Mark's shirt changes from grey to aqua/teal as well.
