Saturday, November 16, 2013

Clock Table

This is where I am at with the clock table;
 there are at least 3 things that I see as mistakes or as needing improvement. What is glaring to you?

I realize that it is not 100% true to ANY of the inspiration pictures
But I am still wondering about:
1) putting the dark wax around the outside rim (maybe the center too?)
2)Putting an a second ring and putting minute dashes  (might be too busy?)

3) putting a more decorative scroll incorporated in this outside ring per:
Progress? (still do minute tickings?)


Friday, November 15, 2013

Done and Done

I do not have a before picture of Debbie's kitchen. She swears that she will get one to me eventually ; but I do not think that one would be well advised to hold one's breath until that time.
Thus you will have to use your imagination based on our discussions,
but this is the official after.: 
(What it looks like weeks, days , or even hours after this point is not on me)


Sunday, November 3, 2013

This is Halloween

Mummy hot dogs

William as a Vampire

Amy helping Mark with his tarp--err, costume.

Genevieve's pumpkin

Mark's pumpkin


Strawberries dipped in candy coating for William's class

Pumpkin Patch pictures: