Saturday, November 16, 2013

Clock Table

This is where I am at with the clock table;
 there are at least 3 things that I see as mistakes or as needing improvement. What is glaring to you?

I realize that it is not 100% true to ANY of the inspiration pictures
But I am still wondering about:
1) putting the dark wax around the outside rim (maybe the center too?)
2)Putting an a second ring and putting minute dashes  (might be too busy?)

3) putting a more decorative scroll incorporated in this outside ring per:
Progress? (still do minute tickings?)



  1. I don't know? It just seems like the numbers aren't centered right- there is a small space between the five and six and the inner circle, while on top the twelve and one seem almost a little cut off on the bottom of the numbers by the inner circle.this also makes the bottom numbers appear bigger than the top numbers.i think the dark wax might help on the outside, but I wouldn't put it on the inside.also, I like the seconds on the second clock, and would do that

  2. Rather than the decorative scroll in the third picture. I can see this being quite a challenge!

  3. You see? I told you that this table was "beating my butt"!
    And that even after 3 tries I agree that the numbers still aren't quite centered right (especially the six- which should have been 1/2 an inch more to the right) and yeah- somehow I think the 3 ended up smaller than the other numbers. Evidentially this is one project that my little projector was not up to the challenge for! :(

  4. Added more pictures of progress
