Friday, November 15, 2013

Done and Done

I do not have a before picture of Debbie's kitchen. She swears that she will get one to me eventually ; but I do not think that one would be well advised to hold one's breath until that time.
Thus you will have to use your imagination based on our discussions,
but this is the official after.: 
(What it looks like weeks, days , or even hours after this point is not on me)



  1. Oh, very pretty! You do lovely work, and it looks so cheerful and gentile- just very well put together. I am a bit confused though, I know you said she had a large unit of shells she ad all the exploded cans on- where was that located, I don't see where there would have been enough room?

  2. They were all under the peninsula (where the vase of flowers is). Actually she still has 3 rolling carts under there now- I purposefully took the pictures at such an angle as not to show them ;) She says that she plans to make a "curtain" to skirt the peninsula to hide them eventually. That would certainly not my first choice, but BOY do I wish I could show you the before!!!
