Sunday, November 3, 2013

This is Halloween

Mummy hot dogs

William as a Vampire

Amy helping Mark with his tarp--err, costume.

Genevieve's pumpkin

Mark's pumpkin


Strawberries dipped in candy coating for William's class

Pumpkin Patch pictures:


  1. The pumpkin patch looked like a lot of fun! William makes a very debonair and menacing vampire- really cool costume! Tell Mark- nice tarp. What was Alaina doing with the thick rim glasses? Are the calligraphied pumpkins on top ceramic?

  2. :)
    No, the pumpkins are the cheap Styrofoam ones from the craft store done with Sharpie (We do not go so high class for Halloween I am afraid)
    Alaina was "Hipster Ariel" supposedly that is a thing now. There were some Memes or such to that effect....I don't know.
