Sunday, January 5, 2014

And then this

Our sermon for today in church
Was all about- It's not about your
Agenda, but about what God
Has for you, and is trying to do
For you: and the scripture was
2 Kings 6:14-23
(Notice he fed and gave the enemy
Water and let them go, even though
He knew there was a risk they
Would return to fight against them again.)


  1. Elisha was making MANY requests of the Lord , all which were all granted- and then He showed them mercy by not striking them down (not sure which part of this is supposed to show do not follow your own agenda). Sorry

  2. The not relying on your own agenda part comes in at the very beginning of the passage, when Elisha's servant sees all the Syrian forces surrounding them in order to seize Elisha, and he asks Elisha, "What shall we do?" And Elisha's answer to him did not focus on the Syrian forces that the servant was worrying about, but he instead focused on the help God was bringing to bear on their behalf. Having our own agenda means that when we have a problem, we try to figure out the best response, or worry about the outcome without factoring in what God is inputting or offering us to change and transform the situation if we just quit worrying about what are we going to do, and look at what He is already working on.
