Friday, January 3, 2014

Nobody undestands me...

Debbie said that she needed a desk.
If you had ever seen her house, you might better understand why I say that she needs everything she brings in to be bright, and lively, and happy.
She painted her dining room yellow- a true sunshine yellow (I even brought over paint chips)- and it just looked dull beige (I think Mom and Dad's bedroom has the same syndrome).
So I painted a cheap roll top desk as follows:

I asked Alaina , Michael , and Genevieve for feedback, and got the EXACT same answer;
It is VERY green.

1 comment:

  1. I an sorry no one understands you, but we all love you lots, at least I do. I think the desk looks absolutely lovely, and the teens and twenties don't know what they are talking about- how inconceivable! If you don't like that answer, maybe consider as alternates, picking up the lightest pink in the roses, or whatever color is in the little polka dots between the roses, but really, if you gave me this desk, I would be thrilled to death,period.
