Sunday, May 18, 2014

William's First Communion

Ever hear the saying that a hug is just a strangle you haven't finished yet??

A Mini Me moment?


  1. Very nice! I saw the bottom ones on Facebook, but I like the ones at the actual ceremony. The pic of Michael hugging Will is my new iPad wallpaper :) what is Alaina doing with her fingers in the 2nd to last picture?

  2. Haha- the world will never know what Alaina was doing with her fingers. All I know is, that the guys were doing "James Bond" guns with their fingers, then Mark did something else which he asked Alaina to emulate, and that was the result. Which hug is your background pic, the happy one or the incomplete strangle ("Let it go..") one??

  3. The strangle one, of course! Michael called at about 12:30 to tell me he was back at his apartment- that is the first phone call I have gotten from him since last Thursday- do I offend or something?

  4. Aww, I am sorry, we are just SO darn entertaining is all ;) It can tend to be a bit of a distraction at times - (especially having Alaina around). We ALL love you, and you most certainly do not offend.
    I hope that you did get some rest on Saturday and that you are feeling better.
    Did Joe EVER get his box...sorry that it was so late!!

  5. I feel a little better, thank you; the back drip rears its ugly head now mostly just when I lay down at night. Joseph got his package on Friday, thank you so much! You must have realized that with the hockey playoffs going on, it would come in handy;)
