Monday, August 11, 2014

Greetings from Fauquier County

Welcome to Who's Life is this anyway...where the amounts are made up and the money doesn't matter.
This is SERIOUSLY the supply list from Will's class- anything jump out at you?


  1. This is seriously the supply list for EACH kid--(somewhere between 20-22 kids per class)

  2. Yeah, the number of glue sticks is absurd, and

  3. I think 24 pencils to start is a little much- that pencil pouch better be pretty massive to fit all this nonsense

  4. Do they at least get to keep everything in their desks, or do they have to carry it all in their backpacks, for switching from one classroom to the next for different activities?

  5. Yes, there is NO way you fit all that in the required pencil pouch- which is supposed to be IN their 3 ring binder.
    They do have assigned desks for third grade- they switch classes only for specials and gifted classes. But I think they put ALL the glue sticks in a community box- and then probably sell the left overs on ebay.
    And why 2 boxes of 12 for colored pencils- not 1 box of 24 mind you, but 2 boxes of 12.
    How about we just replenish their supplies mid-year like normal people?

  6. Oh and you did not mention that it is 24 QUALITY #2 pencils- no cheap ones please, they must be QUALITY. Perhaps bedazzled with rhinestones, would be nice?

  7. I am just curious how the members of your community would respond to a teacher requesting 18 glue sticks per kid. (Glue sticks are normally sold in packs of 2 of 3- I believe this to be because the rest of the world considers that a "supply" of glue sticks)..

  8. Anybody here would just laugh, shrug, and ignore- just getting notebooks and looseleaf paper here is considered a major expense, so the churches usually do school supply drives and giveaways the week before school starts till Labor Day to get all the supply lists finished, but the teachers know this and don't overload the lists, because then they will get nothing, and they know it.
