Saturday, August 2, 2014


As promised here are the pictures that Alaina painted that both Roman and Michael requested a copy of:

And here are a few pictures from the weekend:

Mark making use of the canoe at sunrise. Notice the steam coming off the lake.



This is one of those fancy photoshop/ instagram things- to make it look like a drawing or something).

The lake- early morning.


Mark and Alaina on the lake later in the day (once she got up :)

Doug and Will's turn

Genevieve in front of Bear Mountain Tower

Snapping Turtle (under log) I love his face.

I have been informed that the title of this one is 'merica!-  (Injured Bald Eagle in background).

You may have seen this one on Michael's Facebook- This is SOOOO Genna!

Bear Mountain Zoo:


Mark took the camera to take a picture of his shoes- um, yeah, I love my kids.
Making Smores.


1 comment:

  1. Very nice! I especially like the one with the caption of so Genna, I could not figure out what you were talking about because I only saw Mark and Alaina until I enlarged it to the whole page, and then I saw Genna standing behind the bushes:)
