Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Not furniture

Quite a while ago the pot we had in front of the garage broke. It looked pretty trashy, so I tried to make it look "intentional". What do you think?
Obviously I will need to find a few more little plants to help fill in- unfortunately the baby tears -"soleirolii" that I had growing in my backyard, died off  this past winter :( 

William helped me make to mushrooms out of clay (he also enjoyed painting the spots on by dipping a nail head in white paint.) The Zen frog (yes, Stupid Scrabble game - Zen is a word!) is my creation.

So is the little hedgehog 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

And not blue...

 Not finished yet,  and the lighting in the picture is atrocious!!- But I am curious what color do you think the interior should be?
1) White
2) A bright watermelon pink
3) blue
4) something else

Friday, June 26, 2015

More Blue....(for the scrapbook)

Purchased from Craigs List as Black with orange interior- the mirror was broken so she had put chicken wire

I found a new mirror on Craigs List for $15 and painted it to match

New drawer pulls- $18

Thought it looked like it still needed something so I painted on the birds.

                                Hopefully I can make a slight profit (over the $63- I put into it)

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Mark, Painting furniture, and Stuff

So Here are a few pictures from Mark's final Middle School Concert. His Graduation, Birthday, etc. will have to wait until the next post, because Doug has them...

Mark's Tuba solo

Mark with newest girlfriend Sara

Buffet- purchased for $25 because a beaver--I mean puppy had gnawed on the bottom drawer and the side of the cabinet. I was SURE that I had a before picture, but can't find it right now, so trust me it was AS BAD as the beast.
NO It is NOT blue, it is lightest french grey...

Someone on Pinterest mentioned that I-phone owners can get a free color match app--first time that I am actually jealous of people with i-phones :(
