Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Not furniture

Quite a while ago the pot we had in front of the garage broke. It looked pretty trashy, so I tried to make it look "intentional". What do you think?
Obviously I will need to find a few more little plants to help fill in- unfortunately the baby tears -"soleirolii" that I had growing in my backyard, died off  this past winter :( 

William helped me make to mushrooms out of clay (he also enjoyed painting the spots on by dipping a nail head in white paint.) The Zen frog (yes, Stupid Scrabble game - Zen is a word!) is my creation.

So is the little hedgehog 


  1. I have seen this sort of thing on Pinterset,

  2. But I think yours is cuter then the ones I saw!

  3. Yes, I got the idea from Pinterest-
    Thank you for the compliment , but I have seen some REALLY cute ones on Pinterest. I would not have broken a perfectly good pot to do it, but since it was already broken and looking really sad...why not? I even already had the house from back when the kids were really little. It had come with a set of 3 fairies (the fairies are looong gone).
