Sunday, June 7, 2015

Mark, Painting furniture, and Stuff

So Here are a few pictures from Mark's final Middle School Concert. His Graduation, Birthday, etc. will have to wait until the next post, because Doug has them...

Mark's Tuba solo

Mark with newest girlfriend Sara

Buffet- purchased for $25 because a beaver--I mean puppy had gnawed on the bottom drawer and the side of the cabinet. I was SURE that I had a before picture, but can't find it right now, so trust me it was AS BAD as the beast.
NO It is NOT blue, it is lightest french grey...

Someone on Pinterest mentioned that I-phone owners can get a free color match app--first time that I am actually jealous of people with i-phones :(


  1. Hurray for Mark and his tuba! Do you think he will ever play it again when he gets out of high school? I like your new project, but I can't tell, is the top the same grey as the sides, or is it white to match the accent?

  2. The top is the same grey because it has that little detail on the vertical back piece that needed to be white to match the other accents. I think I may need to add a small stencil (in white) to the bottom drawer , what do you think?
