Friday, June 26, 2015

More Blue....(for the scrapbook)

Purchased from Craigs List as Black with orange interior- the mirror was broken so she had put chicken wire

I found a new mirror on Craigs List for $15 and painted it to match

New drawer pulls- $18

Thought it looked like it still needed something so I painted on the birds.

                                Hopefully I can make a slight profit (over the $63- I put into it)


  1. Oh look- it's blue! :) i like the birds on it, but just from the picture, i dont know how well you would be able to see them unless you were u real close- i dont know, i think i would have used a color to give more contrast, I like the dusty and sage greens with this kind of decoration over it.

  2. ..didn't know I was going to do the birds until I got to the point of the 3rd picture, and said- yup kind of boring- going to have to ramp it up a bit if I want to get my investment back. Mostly I knew that I wanted to use that black previous color to my advantage, stripping it was NOT an option- REALLY.
