Sunday, February 21, 2016

Pics from The Barn


  1. How lovely! I can"t tell from the picture, is there a dance floor, or at least a designated clear area to dance?

  2. In the second picture there was no designated dance floor area because that couple had 150 guests (thus the tables and chairs took up all the space). Being that Craig and Alaina are inviting around 110 people (and we do not expect that every single person will be able to attend anyway) there should be room for a designated 11 x 18 foot dance floor.

  3. Picture taking out the two tables in the center (under the chandelier) and changing the table closest to the double doors in the second picture to a sweetheart table for 2.

  4. And the floors are in very nice condition but I think Michael should be warned against knee sliding across this dance floor!!
