Saturday, March 5, 2016


My current project . You asked for it, so here it is, in all it's "before" glory.

The interior of one of the drawers- you can see the groove caused by the drawer stop.

The replaced hardware - previous owners choice.
VERY shiny brass-

My choice for the drawer pulls  (I had 8 lying around from a previous project and the 3.5 " CC for the holes happened to be  just right.)

Wood on the top of the mirror- putty required.

So I have no clue to the age- Amy might have a guess from looking at the nails.

No drawer hardware worthy of selling, but the front left wheel was broken, so rather than trying to replace that one, I shall attempt to sell the other 3 on Ebay.
By the way Cruz took Kansas and Maine :-)

1 comment:

  1. And Rubio took Peurto Rico! But now he and Cruz are back to squabbaling in Florida- I know Ted doesn't want Mitt to sneak in through the back door of a brokered convention, but it is never even going to get that far if they don't play nice together- oh well. I like this new project, I wonder what the previous owners were thinking with those pulls. They really are bad- I like your choice though ;)
