Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Still trying

Doug suggested I paint over the drawers, and just paint some birds on it instead.
Probably good advice, but
Not willing to completely admit defeat yet (Much like Marco Rubio  ;P) . I added a cheeky little seagull.
 I mean to say:
 I do not admit defeat like Marco Rubio,  I paint beach scenes like George W. Bush 
and I treat the Rules like Cheney.

We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. I am so not suprised by this, I mean the entire world has lost it's mind, so why should this be any different? The world loves Donald Trump, and ugg blue- well, the world is wrong! Never, never, never give up- that , my dear, is Winston Churchill who saw Hitler coming from 10 miles away- fight the good fight, love quality and beauty and purity and order over this week's flavor, strive for the noble, the authentic, the genuine, without giving up on sophistication and class- and if you repaint it ugg blue, I will know the pods have won, and everybody needs to sleep sometime- by the way, I loved the daily show clip you shared, and I have recorded it all on my ipad, so we can have a record that if we go down, it will be to thw sound of Drumpff.
