Saturday, October 15, 2016

A letter from Debbie Gross

Dear Alex,
  I have ongoing prayers for Joseph, Marie, Michael, the ship and, well, all of us.  I am reminded to direct all to read Psalm 91. 
 Tonight, Fred directed me to send his reassurances to your sister and brother-in-law.  This came out of the blue.  He says he has it on good authority that the ship and instruments are truly topnotch.  And, it will function extremely well in tough circumstances.  You know Fred's messages are sometimes mystical (anointed).  I am just the messenger.  Jimmie is on the way back from Tech after a bomb of a meeting with his now totally ex-girlfriend.  I would like to request a few more prayers of healing for Him..from Marie , too.  Thanks and pray for peace, Debbie

1 comment:

  1. I shall pray for Jimmie- I know how tough it can be when you lose a relationship, John always seemed at his lowest when he without that special someone- tell Debbie thank you so much for the prayers I do feel their benefit a lot and I love Psalm 91, but it is funny if you ask me I would tell you that's Christopher's scripture- I started praying that over him when he had his kidney removed, and the whole time we were going to the doctor every month in the aftermath, and I have used that as my go to whenever I have a concern for him (I have certain scripture picked out for each of the boys that I hold on tight to wnen life gets truly unreasonable). So praying Psalm 91 for everybody can work- tell her thank you so much
