Monday, October 31, 2016

Fascinating results

I did not post it on Facebook
But I took that long test you posted
And screenshot both your and my results
To compare them-
I didn't even get vigilance on my chart!
Largest was intellect at 88%.
Compare your anxiety level to mine-
That made me giggle: it was my lowest score
With friendliness next-
That we have in common ;)
I have decided mine looks like a butterfly-
I can live with that! :)
A few more observations on further review:
When it says sensitive,does it mean
How sensitive you are to others (empathic),
How easily you are affected by others
(Touchiness, suceptibility),
Or how well you pick up on subtle nonverbal clues
Also, a list of traits that I did not see listed that should have been:
Persistence, tenacity
Also, what is the difference between reasoning and
Intellect as a personality quality?



  1. My guess is sensitivity is empathy towards others if it were touchiness you would have less than 50% like emotionality. We both have Dutifulness high too though. Is intellect learned response while reasoning is more a work in progress?

  2. It is so interesting that you picked empathy as your preferred interpretation of sensitive, because I would think that also has a high emotional content. Personally, I thought perceptive or intuitive was a better fit in context with the others, because I equate empathy as very close to warmth. I like your thought on intellect vs. Reasoning, I thought maybe the application of whatever knowledge is acquired might be different- intellect applies learning towards a more theoretical end, while reasoning applies learning towards a more practical end.

  3. Also, I surmise that reserve in this chart does not mean social shyness, or the opposite of being demonstrative, but instead the ability to save in reserve and harness one's energy. That makes a lot more sense based on our results.
