Friday, October 14, 2016

Email from Michael


OMG! He is the cutest! I cant wait to play with him!!! And hahah...Dill,
classic Mark. But Gus is a very cute name! he has made six grown, rough
and tough sailors go "awwhhh! He is so shy, look at the puppy!" so well
done Gus haha.

And thank you for the update on my parents, I've had no communication
with them for awhile so I am glad they are safe. Does my heart very good
to know.

Have to go on watch now, will talk again soon.

Love you all very much,


* I saw your Facebook post with the open letter from Commanding Officer of the San Antonio.
Lots of Praying!
Hope you and Joe are still holding up under all the stress and strain of this week!
Quite ready for 2016 to be over.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this- we keep breathing in and out and leaning on our very able God
