Thursday, October 13, 2016

Beautiful day

The weather has been nice here today.
I hope you did not get any more rain.

This is what Gus thinks of you not getting your day off!
We tried to go for a walk today there was a 100+ lb German Shepherd to the left of us ( charging up to an invisible fence)
Tried to go the other way.. there was the 90+ lb Pointer Mix to the right of us (charging up to his invisible fence).
Honestly felt safer walking in the middle of the road!!
Puppy sniffed a fire hydrant-
I did not realize that said fire hydrant had just been painted and was still wet  (puppy is ok -I BELIEVE)
Got back on the sidewalk - broken beer bottle -
walked on grass on neighbor's lawn ; who said "Oh, you probably shouldn't let them walk on my lawn just put down fertilizer and it will burn their feet."
Picked puppy up- walk  officially OVER
Everyone is ok- I BELIEVE

                                          Here is some random cuteness, does that help?

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