Saturday, December 10, 2016

Carolyn's sister-in-law"s obituary

They got the day it happened
Wrong- it was Sunday Dec. 4
I think the rest is right

Sunday, December 4, 2016



The sanguine temperament is traditionally associated with air. People with this temperament tend to be lively, sociable, carefree, talkative, and pleasure-seeking. They may be warm-hearted and optimistic. They can make new friends easily, be imaginative and artistic, and often have many ideas.[15][16] They can be flighty and changeable; thus sanguine personalities may struggle with following tasks all the way through and be chronically late or forgetful.[17]
Pedagogically, they can be best reached through awakening their love for a subject and admiration of people.[17]


The choleric temperament is traditionally associated with fire. People with this temperament tend to be egocentric and extroverted. They may be excitable, impulsive, and restless, with reserves of aggressionenergy, and/or passion, and try to instill that in others. 
They tend to be task-oriented people and are focused on getting a job done efficiently; their motto is usually "do it now." They can be ambitious, strong-willed and like to be in charge. They can show leadership, are good at planning, and are often practical and solution-oriented.[15] They appreciate receiving respect and esteem for their work.
Pedagogically, they can be best reached through mutual respect and appropriate challenges that recognize their capacities.


The melancholic temperament is traditionally associated with the element of earth. People with this temperament may appear serious, introverted, cautious or even suspicious. They can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world and are susceptible to depression and moodiness. They may be focused and conscientious. They often prefer to do things themselves, both to meet their own standards and because they are not inherently sociable. 
Pedagogically, they can be best met by awakening their sympathy for others.


The phlegmatic temperament is traditionally associated with water. People with this temperament may be inward and private, thoughtful, reasonable, calm, patient, caring, and tolerant. They tend to have a rich inner life, seek a quiet, peaceful atmosphere, and be content with themselves. They tend to be steadfast, consistent in their habits, and thus have steady and faithful friends.[15][16]
Pedagogically, their interest is often awakened by experiencing others' interest in a subject.[17]
People of this temperament may appear somewhat ponderous or clumsy. Their speech tends to be slow or appear hesitant.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

You are Braver than you Believe

This is the quote I mentioned at Mom and Dad's that I was sure you would know right off the top of your head. As I recall when John was little, Winnie the Pooh was a regular at your  house.

"You are braver than you believe and stronger than you seem"- if you are Gus, (and maybe Mom or I) - You are just as brave and strong as you seem if you are Marie Elizabeth Simone Dorothy.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Thought for the day

I will not argue with you
About whether or not Trump is
A paranoid 
But may I remind you that
Just because I may be paranoid
Does not necessarily mean that
They aren't really out to get me?


Fascinating results

I did not post it on Facebook
But I took that long test you posted
And screenshot both your and my results
To compare them-
I didn't even get vigilance on my chart!
Largest was intellect at 88%.
Compare your anxiety level to mine-
That made me giggle: it was my lowest score
With friendliness next-
That we have in common ;)
I have decided mine looks like a butterfly-
I can live with that! :)
A few more observations on further review:
When it says sensitive,does it mean
How sensitive you are to others (empathic),
How easily you are affected by others
(Touchiness, suceptibility),
Or how well you pick up on subtle nonverbal clues
Also, a list of traits that I did not see listed that should have been:
Persistence, tenacity
Also, what is the difference between reasoning and
Intellect as a personality quality?


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Gus meets Mom and Dad

Dad giving Gus a skritch- "a little to the left"

Dad and Gus watching the Redskins

Mom sweet talking Gus

Saturday, October 15, 2016

A letter from Debbie Gross

Dear Alex,
  I have ongoing prayers for Joseph, Marie, Michael, the ship and, well, all of us.  I am reminded to direct all to read Psalm 91. 
 Tonight, Fred directed me to send his reassurances to your sister and brother-in-law.  This came out of the blue.  He says he has it on good authority that the ship and instruments are truly topnotch.  And, it will function extremely well in tough circumstances.  You know Fred's messages are sometimes mystical (anointed).  I am just the messenger.  Jimmie is on the way back from Tech after a bomb of a meeting with his now totally ex-girlfriend.  I would like to request a few more prayers of healing for Him..from Marie , too.  Thanks and pray for peace, Debbie

Friday, October 14, 2016

Email from Michael


OMG! He is the cutest! I cant wait to play with him!!! And hahah...Dill,
classic Mark. But Gus is a very cute name! he has made six grown, rough
and tough sailors go "awwhhh! He is so shy, look at the puppy!" so well
done Gus haha.

And thank you for the update on my parents, I've had no communication
with them for awhile so I am glad they are safe. Does my heart very good
to know.

Have to go on watch now, will talk again soon.

Love you all very much,


* I saw your Facebook post with the open letter from Commanding Officer of the San Antonio.
Lots of Praying!
Hope you and Joe are still holding up under all the stress and strain of this week!
Quite ready for 2016 to be over.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Beautiful day

The weather has been nice here today.
I hope you did not get any more rain.

This is what Gus thinks of you not getting your day off!
We tried to go for a walk today there was a 100+ lb German Shepherd to the left of us ( charging up to an invisible fence)
Tried to go the other way.. there was the 90+ lb Pointer Mix to the right of us (charging up to his invisible fence).
Honestly felt safer walking in the middle of the road!!
Puppy sniffed a fire hydrant-
I did not realize that said fire hydrant had just been painted and was still wet  (puppy is ok -I BELIEVE)
Got back on the sidewalk - broken beer bottle -
walked on grass on neighbor's lawn ; who said "Oh, you probably shouldn't let them walk on my lawn just put down fertilizer and it will burn their feet."
Picked puppy up- walk  officially OVER
Everyone is ok- I BELIEVE

                                          Here is some random cuteness, does that help?

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Day at the beach

And it started raining on our way home
So we timed it just right!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Humpty hump day

People suck.
That is all.
(Actually, people suck with
A few notable exceptions,
But none of those exceptions
Are close enough to me to
Effect or outweigh all of the
People who suck.
Sooooooooooooo, )
People suck.
Attitudes suck.
Work sucks.
Transportation sucks.
Uncertainty sucks.
Obstacles suck.
And oh yeah,
People suck.
That is all.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Thought for the day

There is a reason why
I will often spontaneously break into song
"... Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff,
Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh,
Willie nilly silly old bear..."

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Mom Stuff

                                                               In case you were curious:
                                                                 This is Apartment 105

And this is Betty

This is the view from apartment 105
Bedroom #1

Bedroom #2- obviously I would think keep the curtains closed on this one.

kitchen of apt. 105- there are just pipes under sink

this is what apt. 128  should  look like- remember I can not get in to see it.
with this view (only first floor- this is second floor)

furnished model like 128

 my project

Thought for the day

To start your morning:
Maybe the opportunity in this
Is not 105, or 128, or the other apartment,
But maybe the real opportunity is to trust God
And say "Lord, you are big enough to work good 
In this situation whatever Mom indicates as the most important
Thing to her right now"-God's plan doesn't require us to be
Perfect, just to be willing.
By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who
Had received the promises was offering up his only begotten son;
It was he to whom it was said, "In Isaac your seed shall be called"
He considered that God is able to raise people even from the
Dead, from which he also received him back as a type. ( lit:
In a parable)

Friday, July 29, 2016

A message from Debbie

Dear Alex, 
 Please pass along to Marie my sincerest thank you for the lovely mirror with beach glass.  I love it!  It has a permanent place in my beach/war room.
     While praying that Michael would be protected at sea (and would return home safely), I was given the following Bible quote:  Isaiah 43:2:  When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee:  when thou walkest through the fire;  thou shalt not be burnt; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.   I am taking this as a heavy duty promise that Michael will be o.k.  Peace!  Debbie

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Alaina's boutonniere idea

blue eryngium boutonniere

Per Request- hair cut

My new project

 Do you have, or anyone you know has these?
I am in need of mega bloks, and looking for donations
These are not Legos, they are mega blocks
I am trying to do floor bins that the kids won't turn over and strand on
I would like to do two, but they take a lot of blocks
When I am happy with the results, I will gorilla glue the whole thing
It is surprisingly hefty, plus I will go to bath and beyond
And get rubber no stick thingies for the shower
To glue on the bottom
That is my plan
Carolyn told me she didn't think it would work
Even more incentive, so I am determined