Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Very Quick Bag Post

This is Lucario.  A jackal inspired Pokémon.
This was another Will suggested bag.
I was not overly enthusiastic about drawing this character but after looking up it's  background I decided  I may like Lucario after all,  because under "Abilities" it states "Steadfast " and  "Inner Focus"  as well as "justified".
 I don't exactly know how "justified" is an ability, but it sounds pretty good.
Wikipedia also says   "Lucario are extremely loyal to their Trainers. Lucario  seem to have a natural sense of justice."  So loyal, steadfast, and a strong sense of justice, with an obvious healthy dose of attitude.  Move over Pikachu  :-)

1 comment:

  1. I find it very interesting that whoever does Pokemon chose a jacket to represent loyalty, steadfastness, and justice. You realize that traditionally, especially in Indian cultures, that the jackal is the trickster, and known for cunning and imagination rather than steadfastness, and being opportunistic rather than just, and ambitious rather than loyal. Oh well, everything is coming under revision these days, but I like the old stories best.
