Friday, May 31, 2013

I missed Will's birthday!

So sorry! For some reason I thought it was today, and when I checked, I saw it was yesterday! Hope he had a nice one, is the party this weekend?


  1. Yup, it was Thursday.
    I brought cupcakes for his class. Then he had all the neighborhood kids over after school. I will post pics, etc. later)
    It was supposed to go until 5:00 pm- but after 3 kids crying because they bumped heads, 1 kid crying because Will threw a water balloon in his face/ eye, and the attack of the fire ants (and Doug insisting on spraying ant spray right near where the kids were playing and the food); I called it at 4:45 on account of field conditions.

  2. So anyway, Will has a flag football game today, and he is hoping to go to the public pool afterwards (it has been over 93 degrees everyday) and then we are DONE with celebrating his birthday. (And we get to focus on Mark's birthday- this coming Thursday).

  3. BTW- I did go back and comment on several of your other posts (including the one about your e-mail and the Pope) did you see them?
