Sunday, May 12, 2013

I Hope You Have A WONDERFUL Mother's Day!


  1. Hoping you do too, since you have all 5 of them there, you shouldn't have to lift a finger all day! LOL

  2. lol-
    Actually after bringing them all to 8:30am mass, I made everyone lunch. Then I put a beef roast in the crock pot, so we could have French dip sandwiches when we returned from visiting Doug's mom in Rockville, Maryland.

  3. @Alex

    So how did the visit go? Was she having a good day hopefully? How long did you all stay, I hope it wasn't too long for the younger ones, especially William.

  4. Traffic was really heavy all day for Mother's day (I guess a lot of visiting going on) so it was a little over 1 1/2 hours travel each way. I think Doug's mom was having a slightly less good day than last week (in that she seemed to have fewer moments of clarity), but she still seemed to enjoy the visit (though she kept asking when the "surprise visitor" was coming- we still have no idea what she was thinking of). We stayed until 5:30 pm- about 2 hours- that seems to be what works all the way around. Then she has her dinner around 6:00 pm. How about you? what was your Mother's Day dinner?
