Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I just noticed

I was looking at Facebook,
And saw the new pictures of Eric and Amy,
And I was startled at how much of Dad
I see in Eric now.
I compared it to an older photo,
And I thought the older ones favored Doug
Much more, but especially in the lower face
I think he greatly resembles Dad at the same age now.


  1. Yes, I have noticed that he favors Dad around the eyes and nose too. When Michael was here he saw Eric's High School graduation pictures and he could not get over how much Eric's face had slimmed down/ hollowed out since then. It's not hard living the way most people would think of it- just not eating or sleeping enough and working and worrying too much. :(

  2. Tell him round or slim, I still think it is a very handsome face ;)
