Saturday, August 24, 2013



  1. I definitely see what you mean about it reading purple- to me it ended up looking very similar to the purple lady's dresser. Would you do me a favor? I am trying to make a scrapbook with all your projects so when we talk I can reference- I have gone back in the blog and found the first three, the one with the mirror, the bench,the music table, and this one. I cannot however find the picture of the one I like completely finished with large wreath, or the very large dresser- I think they may have been posted on Facebook, which is worthless with the timeline. Oh, and I have the one with the no. Stencils. Would you repost the ones I am missing here, so I can clip them to the scrapbook? Thank you very much.

  2. I added the one of purple lady's dresser to compare side by side. I think you can definitely tell that it was not the same paint pot- but yes, it ended up far more purple looking than I expected.
    You asked for "the very large dresser"- do you mean the 5 drawer blue one- which sold for $95? I would have said that the one with the mirror was the largest piece I have sold so far.
