Monday, August 5, 2013


Actually, bought for $20
I don't think you can make out the tomato sauce? stain on top left corner (also some kid had carved a phone number into the top.
Graphic Fairy- free graphic
This is where I am at so far- not sure if it is worth risking messing up what I've done so far in order to try adding  the birds. Also not sure if I need to add some sort of graphic to the drawers?
Dark knobs or white knobs?



  1. Hello! I am so very glad you survived the weekend, on to the topic at hand. I know you get leery at a certain stage, but I think this is like the red stripe deal; without the bird it definitely feel like it is missing something, even if I don't what it is without the graphic on top- it just feels incomplete somehow. Dark knobs, most definitely, to give it some contrast. Maybe a little bit of graphic to the drawer, but not going all the way through- like a little rose in the middle or something. Did you ever do the laurel on the side of the one that sold? I think that was my favorite piece so far, I really liked the texture of it- this one seems just a tad flatter somehow- you were thinking about aging the other one, have you considered maybe doing this one that way? I know that might be too big a risk with the multiple graphics you've already done. That's pretty much all I got. Have a lovely evening,ttyl

  2. Ok, so you are definitely on team xx chromosome = girl power.
    The guys seem to favor leaving the doors as is (not thinking that it feels as though it is missing something) and maybe bringing the birds up onto the drawers to balance it.
    Alaina was adamant about not bringing the birds up to the drawers saying that it would take away the professional feel, and make it feel more like a kid that was just sticking pictures randomly on a cabinet. Yes, I was planning on aging this piece with a dark wax- the truth is, I was sort of regretting doing the graphic in black, rather than more of a grey or sepia brown/ for a more faded look- but what is done is done.
    Actually, at first I painted the whole piece in white and was going to do a very graphic black and white piece, my thinking was that black and white is pretty neutral and works in a lot of different decors. But my very unscientific study on Craigs list supports that the colored pieces (blue and grey) sell quicker than the white pieces.
    I am not surprised that you liked the grey piece best because it was right on the line between French Country and "Beachy".
