Friday, April 19, 2013

And some more


  1. Ok, so this one is the most similar to mine. But through all this, the question is ACCURACY! I can have all this information, and it can still be wrong (very much like the news reports throughout the Sandy Hook tragedy and now this Boston bombing - did you hear about how they were saying that they had recovered 2 other bombs that ended up being completely inaccurate?)

  2. I did not hear about the 2 other supposed bombs, but I did hear on the day it happened about an explosion at the JFK library nearby, so I don't know what happened to that news flash. When it comes to accuracy, I think comparing and contrasting works best, hence the 6 weather apps. It's like my bible translations- I may have the same verse in ten different translations, and if the wording is the same or close in 8 of them, it gives me a pretty good handle on the essential aspects of the meaning with reasonable accuracy. Then the divergent parts unique to each translation can offer some interesting insight. Wether apps, point in case, one is personalized, (avatar) one shows the wether change on a continuous line, one gives a time clock with it, and the weather channel gives me a good laugh (that's the one usually predicting the end off the world and blizzards in the 3 rd week of April)
