Friday, April 19, 2013

Will's Bag for Today

Good Morning! (Weather not withstanding).
This is Hamrio Musica from Rave Master.
Rave Master ran for 51 episodes on TBS and Cartoon Network October 13, 2001- September 28, 2002.
I know that Michael was familiar with this one (but I don't know how much it was brought to your attention.)
Rave Master was created by Hiro Mashima , who also created Fairy Tails (the one with the blue cat named Happy)- another of Genevieve's favorites.
What do you notice about this snack bag?

Doug will be very happy to know that you actually posted some more blog posts (even if they are ALL about the weather and weather apps.). He was giving me a VERY hard time about being a "guest" blogger, that at one point had posted 6 of the 7 posts on the blog.

I have another issue however, I posted an additional comment (after yours) on some of the other posts - (most especially the Pink Panther one). But if you do not get alerts when there is a comment after yours- I do not expect that you go back and check ALL the past posts for additional comments- thus, it is very unlikely that you will ever see them or respond to them.
At least when I was sending responses to your e-mail, you saw them, which made it more of a back and forth conversation.
Also I never got a reaction to the Banana Phone video.


  1. I do get alerts, but not on the yahoo address, they have all come through joeandmarie@compueasy, which is highly strange, because I never used that address while I was setting this up, but who knows. But back to the question at hand, with a reasonable amount of assurance, I think I am catching up with your answers with the alerts coming through at least as well as if we were emailing back and forth.overall, I am quite pleased with the flow of this whole experiment, and tell Doug if he discourages you from posting because of the ratio, he will make me cry.i do not know Rave Master, but after a while when they were watching all the Japanese stuff, I gave up. I don't know if it was a trick question, but is the answer that his shirt is PINK?( I like the under the radar contrariness of that- nuanced defiance is so much more effective for those of us who understand higher levels of sarcasm)

  2. Good catch- yes, the shirt is pink. And that did not go without comment by Will, who insisted that he should have been drawn all in black. Genevieve however was horrified (and aggravated) by this suggestion since the outfit was accurate for the character. I can not claim nuanced defiance or a higher level of sarcasm, since it was Genevieve who drew this bag. I was curious if the change in artistic style was obvious.
