Monday, April 22, 2013

Good Morning

Good Morning.
I'm back.
Here is Will's bag for today. Does it look like I  drew it at 5:30 AM ?- Well I did,  so I am NOT expecting anyone to be impressed by the artwork. You can just be impressed by my dedication ;-)
It is based on Disney's " Club Penguin". Are you familiar?
Below are some pictures from William's flag football game on Saturday. 
Yes, that is Will running the ball.
 No, he did not score a touchdown, but he did get them to the 1 yard line (or so) a couple of times, then Piper - the only girl on the team (see below) ran them in for 2 touchdowns.
 No- that was not enough for them to win the game,
but Yes, they still  had a lot of fun.
Did I cover all potential questions?
Hope things are wonderful in your corner of the world (if not, remember - survivable will do in a pinch).

1 comment:

  1. I do not know club penguin, but I do know 5:30 in the morning would be too early for me to be drawing, so cudos to your dedication. I am glad Will seems to be enjoying himself, and I am very glad the girls and boys are learning to play together.we are surviving, and if the weather comes back to normal, I shall hopefully survive daycare for another week. Ttyl
